We specialise in Qualitative Research for multicountry international studies covering Spain nationwide.

Iranzo Ferrandis
Director & Consultant
Silvia Iranzo Ferrandis is Director and Consultant at In Market Research. Equally at ease working in English or Spanish in a variety of fields within market research such as Advertising, Consumer Goods, Tourism, IT, Finance or Medical and Pharmaceutical studies with Specialists, PCPs and patients.


our services
what we do and what we offer Every project receives hand-on senior-level management, enabling you to spend more time supporting your clients and adding insight to your research findings, safe in the knowledge your research is receiving level of attention and expertise.
Clients & employees retention rates
Countries where we manage campaigns
Talented employees
forming our team
Professional Memberships, Market Research Excellence and Best Practice
Silvia Iranzo Ferrandis is responsible for In Market Research and a proud member of the following professional associations within the insights, data, analytics, business intelligence, market research, marketing, social and opinion research industries.
Membership to these associations is a commitment to the highest standards of profesional practice, ensuring legal and ethical compliance by adherence to the International Code ICC/ESOMAR.
She is actively committed to continuous learning and development to acquire and contribute to the latest knowledge and thinking in the field by regularly attending, presenting and teaching at international market research conferences, courses and webinars.
The World Association for Marketing, Social and Opinion Research
The Spanish Insights and Analytics Association
The Association for Qualitative Research
The Independent Consultants Group
The British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association
*Certified in AE reporting